I’m going to keep this short and sweet since we have shared a TON of content so far this month!
I had always wanted to start my own garden but the fear always held me back. In the city I bought potted herbs, but they always died . I assumed I had a black thumb to be honest, so I didn’t have much hope for this.
I was lounging by the pool, and I saw our old fire pit that was heading for the trash (after watching hours of DIY youtube videos) and thought I could turn it into a mini raised garden.
Here’s what I did in photos!
Clean it Out and Drilled Holes for Drainage
Drainage is one of the most important things when it comes to gardening. You don’t want to drown the plants and rot out. I took a drill and added some holes to the bottom. It was pretty easy.
Added burlap to keep the soil from falling through the hole
I didn’t want the soil to fall out of the drainage holes so I got burlap ( you could also get plastic sheet - but I wanted to keep this plastic free) the burlap is a natural material and will biodegrade. I will keep an eye on it and possible have to change it in the next year or so.
Mixed the soil with coconut fiber
I had bought some coconut fiber for an aerogarden project I never ended up doing and found it in with some other gardening things. I researched that this could help provide nutrients to the soil so I added it in. Not sure if this is helping but it definitely didnt hurt the plants!
moved it to a sunny location and added my herbs
I had picked up some pre-grown organic herbs at Whole Foods since I was impatient to wait for seedlings. Normally these die within a few days so it was a bit risky to plant them. They have been in their new home for weeks now and are growing beautifully!
Photo: June 17
Photo: July 1
Added 1 extra basil plant but everything else is original